Volunteer at the Bike Library
Stop by 1222 S. Gilbert Court on WED or FRI 12-5 or SAT 10-3 to fill out a Volunteer Application!
You'll invited via email to the next Volunteer Orientation--typically on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5-6 PM.
The Bike Library was entirely volunteer run for 12 years, 2004-2016. Today, our programs and services are made possible by dedicated community members who donate their their time to fixing bikes and undertaking general shop tasks. Volunteers make this shop Special.
The Bike Library accommodates bicyclists and mechanics of all skill levels. We encourage mutual exchange of knowledge among patrons and volunteers of the Bike Library. Our goal is to elevate your self-sufficiency and confidence in mechanical skills.
You'll invited via email to the next Volunteer Orientation--typically on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5-6 PM.
The Bike Library was entirely volunteer run for 12 years, 2004-2016. Today, our programs and services are made possible by dedicated community members who donate their their time to fixing bikes and undertaking general shop tasks. Volunteers make this shop Special.
The Bike Library accommodates bicyclists and mechanics of all skill levels. We encourage mutual exchange of knowledge among patrons and volunteers of the Bike Library. Our goal is to elevate your self-sufficiency and confidence in mechanical skills.
There are many other ways you can contribute at the Bike Library! You do not need to be bicycle mechanic to contribute to the mission of getting more people on bikes.
Volunteer duties include front of house tasks (greeting and guiding patrons, teaching proper bike fit, pricing for retail, tidying, etc.) and shop-side tasks (bike maintenance and repair, stripping and salvage, bike storage organization, rubber recycling). Generally, volunteers engage in mutual exchange of knowledge!
With a bit of extra training, we can prepare you to teach bike riding basics, take on responsibility at the front register or lead programs such as W/T/F, Salvage Night, Kids Bike Blitz or Bike Buses. If you are passionate about a program or event at the Bike Library, let us know how you would like to be involved!
Volunteer duties include front of house tasks (greeting and guiding patrons, teaching proper bike fit, pricing for retail, tidying, etc.) and shop-side tasks (bike maintenance and repair, stripping and salvage, bike storage organization, rubber recycling). Generally, volunteers engage in mutual exchange of knowledge!
With a bit of extra training, we can prepare you to teach bike riding basics, take on responsibility at the front register or lead programs such as W/T/F, Salvage Night, Kids Bike Blitz or Bike Buses. If you are passionate about a program or event at the Bike Library, let us know how you would like to be involved!
DO I need to know how to wrench?
No, not at all. Many folks volunteer in order to learn bicycle mechanic skills while contributing to our mission—getting more people on bikes. Anyone who would like to learn bicycle maintenance and repair should fill out a Volunteer Application.
Although bicycle repair is a set of specialized skills, the Bike Library believes that anyone can learn these skills. It can seem as though it would take a lifetime and yet there are simple tricks one can pick up in very little time too! Our goal is to elevate patrons’ and volunteers’ self-sufficiency and confidence in their mechanical skills.
You will pick up skills simply by being in the shop! We encourage mutual exchange of knowledge among staff, patrons and volunteers of the Bike Library.
Although bicycle repair is a set of specialized skills, the Bike Library believes that anyone can learn these skills. It can seem as though it would take a lifetime and yet there are simple tricks one can pick up in very little time too! Our goal is to elevate patrons’ and volunteers’ self-sufficiency and confidence in their mechanical skills.
You will pick up skills simply by being in the shop! We encourage mutual exchange of knowledge among staff, patrons and volunteers of the Bike Library.
What’s a good place to start?
We offer a few volunteer-only programs that focus on developing skills, such as Wednesday Night Salvage and Thursday Open Wrench. Wednesday Night Salvage is the best place to start volunteering at the Bike Library. Learn what tools to use, the organization system, and how a bike is put together...by taking them apart. Bikes unfit for repair due to frame damage or simply poor quality of design or manufacturing are be stripped of viable parts.
Dismantling bikes is a great way to learn how the machine works while gaining an understanding of the tools of the trade. As this is also the most important organizational night of the week here at the BL, new volunteers quickly get a feel for the Bike Library and our operations.
Dismantling bikes is a great way to learn how the machine works while gaining an understanding of the tools of the trade. As this is also the most important organizational night of the week here at the BL, new volunteers quickly get a feel for the Bike Library and our operations.