Note: customers will not be allowed in the upstairs shop area at this time. There are no exceptions to this rule.
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For Reference |
Volgistics Help
How to Sign up for Slots on Volgistics:
1. Go to 2. Under "More" at the top right, hit Volunteer Portal." 3. Log into Volgistics using your email address as the username. 4. Once logged in, choose the "My Schedule" tab from the top bar. 5. You'll see a calendar graphic with "Help Wanted" bubbles over different dates. 6. Click on the date you'd prefer and then choose the volunteer role (e.g., host, kids' bike volunteer, WTF volunteer, etc.). Hit "Schedule me" 7. Choose "Yes" on the next page. TUTORIAL VIDEO BELOW: |
Host Sign-In/out
Shop Task Guides
First, visit our "Covid Operations Guidelines," then refer to these normal procedures.
1. Go to our Checkout Portal using the button below. 2. Find the bike based on the 4-digit ID number on the Bike Library sticker on the downtube. 3. Click "CHECKOUT" then click the number again on the next page. 4. Ask the customer to fill out name address, phone, and email. 5. Take the deposit amount in cash or by using Square on the Ipad. 6. Print the contract and give them a copy. 1. Go to our Checkout Portal using the button below.
2. Find the bike based on the 4-digit ID number on the Bike Library sticker on the downtube. 3. Click "CHECK-IN." 4. *IMPORTANT: Ask the customer if their address has changed* and update it in the system if necessary. 5. Hit submit, print the receipt, and give the customer a copy. 6. Put a "RETURN" tag on the bike with the ID, deposit, date, and your initials. Taking a Donation
1. First, thank the donor!
2. Pull up the intake form by clicking the button below. 2. Ask the donor: "Would you be able to fill out our donor form. First and last name and the rest is optional." *if they say no, ask for first/last name and fill that in yourself* 3. Once they've filled out the first page and hit "Next," you fill out any relevant details (e.g., bike make/model, description of bike parts, etc.) and sign your initials. 4. If a bike is donated, place one of the "Donation Spoke Cards" in the spokes. Donation Spoke Cards can be found at the Northwest bench. Please leave all donations against the Northwest bench. 1. Determine the price based on the tag or on the "General Price List" behind the counter. 2. Use the iPad to the left of the desktop to access Square (password: bl3000). 3. Search for the item, choose the proper item and price, hit "Add." 4. Adjust prices if it's set as "Variable" in system. 5. In the bottom right-hand corner, hit "Charge" in blue. 6. If the customer is paying in cash, choose the amount that they are giving you. Put the cash in the cash box on the bottom northwest corner of the glass display below the counter. Provide change if necessary (Square will calculate exact change). 7. If the customer is paying with a card, ask them to insert the chip into the Square reader or swipe the card on the base of the iPad. *if you need to delete an item, click on that item in the list on the right-hand side of the screen, and change the quantity to 0* Quick Bike Fit
Fitting Customers to a Bike: Stand-Over Height for Straight Top Tubes *Note: for step-through frames, see below this section*
Fitting Customers to a Bike: For Step-Throughs or Compact Frames
It's also important to find the right saddle height. With one pedal at its lowest position, eyeball the angle of that knee. It should be between 145 and 155 degrees. With 180 being perfectly straight and unbent, picture 145-155 as about 15 degrees clockwise from the halfway mark between straight and perpendicular (90 degrees). The halfway measurement would be 135.
Weekly Schedule Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Checkouts & Rent-a-Bench. Sunday: 1st & 3rd of the month: 1 PM - 4 PM Kids' Bike Repair Monday: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Mechanic's Night Tuesday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Womxn-Trans*-Femme Night. Checkouts available for WTF folks. Wednesday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Salvage Night Thursday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM New Mechanic's Night Friday: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Checkouts & Rent-a-Bench |